Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Miss your Abom buddies from Mount Hyjal? Never fear! The fourth Quarter of Naxxramas on this list is full of them. Big ones, puppy ones, some that do annoying poison-like things, all sorts.

The first boss encounter here is Patchwerk. His big deal is that after about 5:30 min he enrages and will one shot everyone, so this is definitely a DPS race. Only two people should be taking damage this entire fight- the MT and someone in melee range who has the highest amount of health, so, a Hateful tank is necessary. To protect your other melee folks have them take a dip in the slime, reducing their hitpoints by half. Make sure to avoid healing them, otherwise they may end up taking a hit before the Hateful tank is healed.
Done on Naxx night 3 for us, the raid healers were myself, another priest, and the druid. Renews and HoTs were kept up on both tanks to make sure that they are being healed the entire time. Since Patchwerk himself doesn't hit too hard (If I recall correctly, he hits between 4-6k)your main focus should be the Hateful tank. Because we had 3 healers, I alternated between spamming Greater Heal on the Hateful Tank and throwing the MT a Flash Heal. It may be difficult to maintain a decent mana pool, so be careful of ooming quickly. You have Shadowfiend, Inner Focus, and a mana pot at your whim, so use them!
When Patchwerk is dead, run through some slime, and on to Grobbulus.

Grobbulus is quite possibly the ugliest boss I have ever seen, but, his fight is simple and only takes a bit of coordination.
We had the MT pull him on the ramp and kite him slowly clockwise around the room, staying right up against the wall. Whoever got the disease, ran away from the raid and dropped their circle of poison at the edge of the first one. As a healer, your job is to stay off to the side, so as to avoid his poison spray and trail of death. PW:S absorbs most of the damage taken after the disease wears off so definitely put one up on yourself, if not everyone who is targeted. The amount of raid damage is, meh, medium. You have the MT and whoever is taking the slimes to heal, and of course, whoever is diseased. Make sure to stay out of the poison circles and no matter how much your finger may twitch- Do. Not. Dispell. The. Disease. >< That's bad. kk.

Gluth: a very oddly put together pit-bull appearing doggy boss. His favorite snack? Zombies. Of course! Who doesn't love the smell of Zombie breath? His pen, er, room, is huuuge. So, if Gluth is tanked against the far wall there's no way you can heal both the tanks and the zombie kiters in the back. Also, you may possibly pull healing aggro from the kiters. Myself and the other priest stayed next to each other at max range from the tanks, so we could continue to heal them, and the kiters' job of picking the zombies off of us would be a touch easier. We also were each assigned a tank. Your DBM should tell you when decimate is about to happen, sometimes it's off- be prepared to stopcast. In anticipation of Decimate, I started casting Greater Heal on my tank about 2 seconds before Decimate would go off, of course, my latency isn't that bad so I knew I could stop it if the heal wasn't needed. After healing my group, yay for PoH, I went back to topping of the tank and protecting myself from zombies wishing to eat my brain. The druid ran around in the back throwing HoTs on our two kiters to keep them up.
Also, note that the zombies are undead. You have shackles for things like this, and, Divine Hymn will stun them. This may help to be a few OS buttons. =]

Patchwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, and now, Thaddious! This fight starts off with a group composed of at least one healer and tank going to each platform and nuking down two mini bosses. Make sure they go down around the same time, or you get to do it all over again! And, kep them close to their coil otherwise the group gets a nasty chain lightning Watch for the tank switch, and keep both tanks HoT'd and healed.
Thaddious himself is somewhat similar to the Mechanar boss fight. He gives each person a charge, increasing damage they deal by however many people are near them, and, doing damage if they stand next to someone with the opposite charge. We had positives to the right, and negatives to the left, rotating counterclockwise (Or, always run to the left of the boss) when our charges changed. There is a bit of a group AoE that will need to be healed, but it's a pretty easy fight. He does have an enrage timer, so, group up to get the most of the charge buff and nuke him down as fast as possible.

That concludes quadrant 4 of Normal Naxxramas. Afterwards is Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad, but, we took a break from Naxx to gather frost resist gear. We did go into VoA, and Obsidian Sanctum, clearing those, but those are posts for another day.

I'm off to finals and moving, hopefully I can get in another post this week, but, well see.
