Friday, December 5, 2008

Hop in a portal, clear some trash, and off to fight Instructor Razuvious.

For this fight, your tanks get to play with toys. Razuvious hits very hard, and the best way to do this fight is to use the crystals to Mind Control the Understudies and let them tank the Instructor. As a healer, your job is heal them, the Understudies, that is. I made a focus macro, with target of target shown (I use Xperl, so this is easiest for me) to be able to quickly switch to the understudy that Razuvious was currently beating upon. The Understudies have about 400k health, so, it's pretty easy to keep them topped up. One raid member will get hit with a knife and take DoT damage, so make sure they call it out, and keep them healed. Some other small raid damage is done, but this fight is pretty straightforward. After he's dead, the tanks can fight each other with the understudies. Fun times.

Gothik the Harvester took us a few times. Our DPS make up was kinda bad so one side was clearing, whilst the other wasn't. We rearranged to two healers with the highest 2 DPS + tank, and the other with one healer, 3 DPS and a tank.(Military Quarter was done on our day 2 of Naxx, so we had 3 healers).The trash waves are harder than the boss itself. Seriously. If you can kill the waves, you're set. Free loot. But, while the waves are charging in at you, use Fade before they get there in order to keep off of you. Keep up Shadow Protection for Gothik's Shadowbolts, and be prepared to...suddenly stop healing when he teleports to the other side. Mana regen is fun times. He switches back and forth a few, I'm not positive when the gates open and both sides get to fight him at the same time, I think it was after 4 teleports? Regardless. He hits for about 4k. It's kinda sad.

The Four Horsemen is again, about coordination. But this time, there's a touch more to the fight. One healer went with the hunter to take on two of the horsemen. I went with the tank to take Thane first, and the third healer went to the tank and rest of the DPS on Baron. Binding Heal quickly takes care of the Meteor damage, and it's pretty simple to keep up the tank. After three marks, switch sides, for us, I was now with my tank on Baron, the DPSers on Thane, and the Hunter and druid still in the back. Repeat until Baron and Thane are dead.
Then, run to the back, avoid Void circles, heal heal heal, dead. After the Baron and Thane are dead, the rest is pretty easy.

And that's as far as I've gotten so far. Construct Quarter will be posted as soon as I can get in there.

Hope these help!


And as a side note. After 9 bosses, 2 Caster items have dropped. A sword, and a DPS ring. /Crycry