Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Birthday WoW!

Today is the fourth year anniversary of World of Warcraft. I love my little polar bear! They're so cute! I logged on all of my alts so they could get the achievement and pet.

I've been playing WoW since May of 2007, not long, I know, but I guess I just never really thought about how much time I've spent on the game. My mage has a /played of about 2 and a half months, my priest is closer to a month. Adding in my alts I've spent over a third of the past year and a half on this game. I think I lead a fairly social life- I have a job, I go to school, and I often hang out with colleagues and friends. I do my work, I get plenty of sleep, and I have a fairly decent GPA. But, if you just look at the 'third of my life' section, it seems like a big deal. Am I addicted to the World of Warcraft? Maybe. I've never tried to take a break or just stop playing altogether. Of course, I've never really felt a need to do so either. I can see where people are coming from when they stereotype WoW players as having no social life outside the game, but I don't think that I fit into that category. Many of the people I play with have been good friends of mine for years before I started playing. We still do things together outside of the game, and can easily hold a conversation without mentioning PvP or Naxx.

I play WoW because it allows me to achieve whatever goals I set. I can make a list of gear to work towards and get excited whenever I get upgrades. I can get angry when people kill me, and seek revenge in AV. When I'm healing, I have a little bit of control whether or not the group succeeds. WoW allows me to mean something to other people in a visual way. I'm not entirely sure if that makes sense, or, if it's really what I want to say, but itll have to do for now. =]

I hope you all are enjoying your cubs. Loktar Ogar!



Anonymous said...

I know it can seem like we are obsessed, but we are not. Having said that I have seen a friend of mine try to hit the alt key to talk to me when we where sitting in the university cafateria because alt was his team speak button. We all have our own quirks!

I know what you mean about visualthough, for instance I liked lving in Zanger, the mushrooms just looked so alien I thought it was really fun questing there just because of the scenery

Faeris said...

I always giggle when I call my friends their characters' name. I feel really dorkish after, hahaha.

For a while, I would actually log out drowned in Undercity, and I only buy reagents from Chepi in TB. I think these small little ritualistic things kind of bring a little more 'you' to the game. They may be weird, but we do some pretty weird things irl =]