Sunday, February 8, 2009

Busy week!

This past week or so has been pretty hectic. I haven't been able to get on WoW much, but, when I can I like to fill that sparse amount of time with as much WoW fun as possible.
Last week I managed to sneak into a Malygos kill. Unfortunately, I still haven't done Halls of Stone on Heroic, so the title continues to escape me. I got to see some wonderful Disc Priest action in our Heroic Naxx, and I'm wondering If I should lean that way myself. Disc priests are all about mitigation, so their actual healing output is rather low. But they definitely make the job of repairing what damage is done much easier for the rest of us. The gearing is very different however, so it may take some time before I actually make the switch, if I do.
My druid is at 75. I'm taking it slow leveling him mostly because I know he won't see any raids for quite a while. I also started a Warrior, after spending some time around a RL friend of mine go on and on about hers. They seem fun! So, I'm trying it out =] I've never really played a melee class before, besides the little bit I did with the druid before I switched him from tank to chicken. I have tons and tons to learn >< If You guys know of any wonderful Warrior sites, let me know!

I hope you all are doing marvelous.



Anonymous said...

I'm contemplating the switch to Discipline more and more too. But, like you, it would require a major gear change so it would be a while in coming. But darn if it doesn't look fun!

Anonymous said...

Lazor chicken is the way to go to level that druid, ranged dps is the way forward :P

Would you be able to go over a bit of the gear change that would be required, as I have a priest alt and might be interested in swapping specs the same as you later on