Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year, New Talents!

Sadly the holidays are over, and so are the lazidays. Unfortunately I've been quite busy these past few weeks and haven't been able to update the blog much ^^; My apologies. But! No worries! In this post I'll be talking about a few of the wonderful talents a Priest gets to choose from.

First is Surge of Light!
It's waaaay down off to the side in the Holy tree and at a glance seems something to skip over quickly, in favor of more beefy talents like Holy Concentration. But, stop a touch and look at it. 50% proc rate on crit, mmmm crits, free insta cast Flash Heal. That's right. No mana. Procs off of HoTs, PoH, CoH, PoM, everything. Free. Heal. That's generally a great thing. And there's more! It doesn't seem to have an internal cooldown. But, I rarely see another Priest carting it around. I really don't understand why. You'll waste three points in the Disc tree for 20% less threat, but you won't take free heals!? Madness! I even had my techno-savvy friend make me an addon to tell me to Flash Heal when SoL procs. I love it so much.

Lightwell aka LoL
Ah, Lightwell. Poor thing has been laughed at since it's introduction to the game, no doubt. It really is a nifty little tool. Pop one out and lots of HoTs for everyone! They even gave it a nice buff for Wrath. Unfortunately, the flaws of Lightwell do not reside in itself, rather, the problem with Lightwell is the tunnel-vision of a DPSer. Who wants to stop DPSing to heal themselves? No one. These are the same people that stand in fires, or disease clouds, or Blizzards and wonder why they die. Lightwell is an amazing healing tool. If you can get your raiders to actually use it, bravo! If not, well, it's good to heal yourself with ^^;

Silent Resolve
7%//14%//20% less Holy spell threat. Should you get it, or no? Well. It's up to you. Honestly, I'd say try experimenting without it and see if you find yourself pulling from your tank. If you do just fine, then don't waste the points on it, if you pull after a lucky crit, then you should probably toss at least one point in it.

Holy Reach and Healing Prayers
Both of these are targeted at the same few spells - Prayer of Healing and Circle of Healing. If you don't spec for CoH...don't get these. Seriously. Put your points somewhere that you'll use them. Yeah, PoM costing 10% less is nice, definitely, but I still think you could do more with your points. These talents are really good for the raid healer, because well. It's what you do. You heal lots of people all at once and it's awesome. If you're a tank healer most often, then Test of Faith and Inspiration are what you should go for.

More may be added later, but this is it for now!

Happy New Year folks =]


Anonymous said...

I've got a quick question about threat reducing talents. I play a druid on my ally server, and everything I have ever read about resto talents is if you need threat reducing talents, your tank is not tanking properly. I'm looking at playing a priest down the line, is this true for other classes, holds for some and not others, or completely off? Is it possible for your tank to me tanking properly and still pull aggro?

Faeris said...

In my experience- you will always pull at the exact worst moment.

But, honestly, healing aggro is the same as DPS aggo. A crit string while facing many mobs will cause you to pull, since, your aggro is directed to every mob you are in combat with. Priests have Fade to send them scurrying back to the tank, who...hopefully...will build enough threat on them to keep 'em off of you. In this case, no, you pulling aggro is just that, an unlucky encounter, not a sign of a terrible tank. However, if you were to pull on a single I'd probably not heal for that tank again. Ever.
To sum up an answer for you, if you actually NEED threat reducing talents to prevent you from pulling then something is wrong. Either you're spamming a ridiculous amount too much, or, your tank kinda fails.
But pulling can happen, and is very likely, when picking up a new group of mobs or adds. The talents help lessen this possibility a bit, but... really I feel they're just a waste ^^;

Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

It does, thanks for that.

Will look at the priest talents when my little troll priest gets a bit higher, but that is a good way to look at the threat reducing talents, and my druid is ally so I have shadowmeld which wipes aggro so simmilar to fade.

Derevka said...

Might I suggest for SoL be sure you ahve Power Auras set up to show SoL. Its fantastic. Great write up.

Faeris said...

You're right! PowerAuras is amazing for SoL! I actually have a friend who writes small addons, and instead of downloading that, I asked him to make me one that plays a sound and a big Raid Warning telling me to Flash Heal.

Derevka said...

Oh nice! I wish i had a pocket Addon Monkey! You can use PowerAuras to show SoL, IHC, and (lack of) inner focus. :) I did a write up on my blog if you want to see it in action.

Added you to my feeder

Anonymous said...

Nice post (and layout!). I've recently started up a new priest alt and will be sure to check back here often. :)