Thursday, January 29, 2009


Oi, oi, oi.

I absolutely love the Winter. It's so... cold. And snowy. And all of those other wonderful things that goes along with December--March. Plus, I get a little bit of extra time to play WoW. I mean. Socialize. Er...

My area is currently under the lasting effects from Tuesday's ice storm. The trees are covered in at least a half inch of ice. The newer snow is sitting on top of ice, which is sitting on top of snow, which is sitting on top of ice... It's been a really long time since I've seen anything so absolutely Wintery. I have pictures, but my camera is refusing to upload them. Hopefully I can post them soon.

Work is closed. So, I've been running around gathering the blessings from my Elders for the Lunar Festival achievements.

As I approached Ironforge, I said my prayers to the WoW gods and just kinda...ran in. I lagged as soon as I entered the front gate and pulled three guards. When I cleared up I had maybe 10% health left, but I'm a Priest. So I did what any self-respecting Priest would do in this situation. I shielded and screamed. Tossed a Renew and PoM, CoH... and kept running. By the time I had gotten to the Elder a Pally decided I didn't belong there. I was just barely able to complete the quest before he killed me. Thank you Spirit rez. Stormwind proved to be much less of a hassle. I swam in to the Docks, avoided nearly all the guards to the park, walked up to the Elder. Completed quest. Yay done.

Then, of course, I got bored and decided to watch some House. Mmmmm Hugh Laurie.

I hope you all stay safe and warm. Watch for ice and falling trees! :D



Anonymous said...

Over here in Colorado we never get the ice storms everyone else seems to be having - we just get good old fashioned cold. When I had to do the Horde Elders, I was rather apprehensive, but it turned out to be not as painful as I thought at all. (Thank Goodness!)

I wish I had been able to watch some House. Because... Hugh Laurie... rawr.

Faeris said...

Ah, lucky!

Northern Kentucky just doesn't seem to be able to make up it's mind. Is it cold? Is it raining? How about snowing? Maybe all three! ><

I haven't finished the Elders yet, but I will soon. I wants a purple drake.

Anonymous said...

Here in Australia the southern states are in the middle of a heatwave that's killing everything electric due to overuse of air coditioning and so on. I'm not in the southern states but I wish it was snowing...