Thursday, December 18, 2008


Finals are over and I'm all settled in for the Holidays. My WoW /played is going to shoot through the roof, along with my daily calorie count ^^; /Sigh, ah, the Holidays!

I'm one achievement away from Merrymaker Faeris! It has such a nice ring to it, don't you agree?

Otherwise, when not pushing through 25 man Naxx I'm spending my free time loafing around on several alts. Right now, I'm working on my Pally- Xaesca. She's level 20 and is taking a break for Kaeman, the druid, to mine her up enough Iron ore to level her Blacksmithing. Speaking of Kaeman, I decided to try out the Balance walk of life. Bad choice, since, the last time he was Balance was back in the 50s. But, no worries. I leveled a Holy Priest! I can do anything! =]

I am enjoying WotLK so far. Everything is new and shiny and all kinds of amazing. Thank you Blizzard for making leveling interesting again.

I still wish Chepi was updated to I could buy candles from her again. /Crycry
