Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Nose to the Grind

I did manage to ding 80 over the weekend, despite my family's interruptions. (That was a joke...see...I love my family! ><) Silly Thanksgiving...with all the food and laughing and Happy.

I've only been able to start healing a few heroics because I haven't been on much, but, the guild did wrestle Wintergrasp away from the Alliance long enough for us to hop into the Vault of Archavon last Saturday. The fight seems pretty tank and spank, actually. Not too much raid healing is needed. I healed the tank while my Druid friend topped off the raid, with us having no problem doing so in our quest blues and greens. The biggest issue I can see for some is DPS. I believe the Wiki page recommends, in a group of two healers and two tanks, that the tank needs at least 550 DPS, while each raid member should sustain about 1100. Overall, 7700 DPS is needed to down a regular Archavon before he enrages and one-shots everyone. Hunters and rogues are good to have when Archavon drops threat, so, keep up those misdirects!

Of course, he had to drop Druid loot. Grats to the tank on Heroes' Dreamwalker Handgrips, and healer on Heroes' Dreamwalker Leggings =]

I am slowly working on my reputation grinding and tailoring. One guide I saw mentioned a need for over 7200 pieces of frostweave from 375 to 450...I am going to be spending alot of gold, soon. /sob And, why don't the Sons of Hodir have a tabard!? That's awful!

We start Naxx today. Wish me luck!